The general rule of thumb for assessing if massage is safe or not is this: if it's safe and you are able to have sex, then it's safe to have a massage (not that sex is part of a massage, it's if you're healthy enough).
If you have an infection, particularly if you have swollen glands (lymph node), then the answer is "no", and you should see the doctor.
In addition to bringing relief to muscles that might be in spasm, or
just de-stressing the body, massage can be beneficial in the
following conditions: Most of these conditions can benefit from
the ability of massage to boost the immune function, some because
of the relaxing effect, and some because of the mechanical effect
on the muscle tissues involved. In some cases, massage is
contra-indicated in the acute stage. In some conditions massage is
locally contraindicated, but the effects of massage on the body
systems, may help the condition. Again, as a massage therapist, I
can't cure any condition, massage merely helps the body's own
healing mechanisms to be more effective in dealing with many
conditions, most often, simply by reducing stress.
Please call me for an appointment. 082 812 9721
Any infective disease in the acute/infective stage contraindicates massage.
Abortion:locally contraindicated in acute phase, but general massage can speed recovery.
Acne: locally concentrated
Acromegaly: Massage is safe
ADD and ADHD: Massage is safe and regular massage is recommended.
Amytropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Massage is safe and recommender.
Anemia: Massage is safe
Ankylosing Spondylitis: Massage is safe and recommended Anorexia (and other eating disorders): Massage is indicated with the doctor's permission, as vitals organs may be under strain.
Anxiety Disorders: Massage is safe and recommended as a vital part of treatment.
Aneurysm: Massage is contraindicated.
Asthma (treatment between attacks)
Appendicitis: Massage is contraindicated.
Atherosclerosis: depending on the massage type, but generally contraindicated.
Avascular Oseonecrosis: massage is locally contraindicated
Baker Cysts: massage is locally contraindicated
Bell's Palsy: Massage is safe and recommended
Bladder Cancer: Massage is safe Body image distortions: massage is very helpful.
Boils: Massage is locally contraindicated
Breast Cancer (although regular breast massage is very effective in reducing the risk of
breast cancer, massage for treatment of breast cancer does not
involve massage of the breasts)
Acute Bronchitis: Massage is contraindicated.
Bunions: massage is locally contraindicated
Burns: massage is locally contraindicated
Bursitis: massage is locally contraindicated
Candidiasis: Massage is safe and recommended on a regular basis.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Massage is safe and a recommender treatment.
Cellulitis: massage is contraindicated until the infection has passed, after which massage is recommended.
Cerebral Palsy: Massage is safe and recommended
Cervical Cancer: Massage is safe
Chemical Dependency: Massage is safe and recommender for recovery. Chronic fatigue syndrome.: Massage is safe and regular massage is recommender for improved quality of life.
Cirrhosis: Massage is safe as long as it is not too deep
Colorectol Cancer: Massage is safe
Common cold: massage is contraindicated, please stay away.
Covid-19: massage is obviously contra-indicated, please stay away.
Post common cold.: Massage is safe and recommender for optimal immune function
Crohn Disease (not in acute phase): Massage is safe
Depression: Massage is safe and regular massage is recommended for improved quality of life.
Diabetes: Massage is safe (if the condition is well managed). This is a general, light massage.
Spinal Disc Disease: Massage is safe and recommender for symptomatic treatment.
Dislocations: massage is indicated for treatment of associated scar tissue and muscle spasms
Diverticulitis: Locally contraindicated to abdomen
Dupuytren Contracture: Massage is safe and very helpful, but contra indicated in the absence of sensation.
Dysmenorrhea: Massage is safe depending on the stage and cause.
Edima: massage is contraindicated, unless prescribed by a doctor, and depending on the cause.
Eating disorders: Massage is highly recommended on a regular basis as a vital part of treatment.
Embolism: Massage is contraindicated.
Emphysema: Massage is safe as long as there are no complications
Encephalitis: Massage is contraindicated. Endometriosis.: Massage is safe and recommended
Oesophageal Cancer: Massage is safe and recommended with the clearance of you doctor.
Fatigue: Massage is safe and highly recommender.
Female infertility: massage is highly recommended.
Fever: Massage is contraindicated.
Fibroid tumours: massage is locally contraindicated for abdominal massage in the case of large tumours. Fibromyalgia: Massage is probably the most important part of a treatment program, and recommended on a regular basis. I have a massage routine specifically designed for the special needs involved.
Flu - Conrtaindicated, please stay away.
Fractures- Locally contraindicated, but work on the rest of the body can help speed recovery.
Fungal infections e.g.. ringworm: massage is contraindicated, please stay away.
Ganglion cysts: massage is locally contraindicated
Gastroenteritis: Massage is contraindicated.
Glomerulonephritis: Massage is contraindicated.
Gout: systemically contraindicated in acute phase (though not critical) but always locally concentrated
Guillain-Barr� Syndrome: Massage is highly recommended.
Headaches: massage is usually indicated in the neck and shoulders, but contraindicated when caused by infections
Tension Headaches: Massage is highly recommended.
Heart attack: massage is contraindicated until the doctor gives permission.
Heart failure: call 911
Haematoma (bruising): massage is locally contraindicated for 48hours.
Haemophilia: no deep massage
Hepatitis: massage is contraindicated
Hernia with fever: massage is contraindicated
Herpes: Massage is locally contraindicated
Herpes Zoster (Shingles or chicken pox): massage is contraindicated in acute phase, but indicated afterwords.
HIV: Regular massage is safe and highly recommended.
Hypertension: when very high and when uncontrolled, massage is contraindicated
Mild Hypertension: Massage is safe and recommended.
Hives: massage is contraindicated
Hyperthyroidism: Massage is safe and recommended. If acute, then medical attention is needed.
Hypoglycaemia: not in acute episode
Hypothyroidism: Massage is safe and recommended.
Ichthyosis: Massage is safe and recommended on a regular basis
Impetigo: massage is contraindicated, please stay away.
Acute Inflammation: massage is locally contraindicated
Influenza: massage is contraindicated
Infertility: Infertility in most cases is stress related, and regular massage may be all that is needed. Though it must be remembered that there could be other causes. Interstitial Cystitis: Massage is safe and recommended Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Massage is safe and recommended with caution.
Jaundice: massage is contraindicated depending on the cause
Kidney stones: massage is contraindicated in acute phase
Leukaemia: massage can be very helpful in restoring immune function, but must first be cleared with your doctor, as some oncologists strongly contraindicate massage.
Liver Cancer: massage may help as a coping mechanism.
Lung Cancer: massage may help as a coping mechanism.
Lupus: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up.
Lyme Disease: Contraindicated in the acute, but recommended in the post acute phase.
Lymphangitis: massage is contraindicated
Lymphoma: unless given permission by the doctor
Male infertility: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Marfan Syndrome: massage is generally contraindicate, unless very light, and with the permission of your doctor
Meningitis: Massage is contraindicated
Menopause: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis. Mesothelioma (cancer):Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Metabolic syndrome: depending on cardiovascular health.
Miscarriage: massage is locally contraindicated in acute phase, but massage can speed recovery and help as a coping mechanism.
Mites and lice: massage is contraindicated, and please stay away until the infection has cleared
Mononucleosis: massage is contraindicate din acute stage, but after that massage can speed recovery.
Multiple chemical sensitivity: depending on lubricant
Multiple Sclerosis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up.
Muscular Dystrophy: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis, as long as massage is part of a coordinated team effort.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Myelitis Ossification: massage is Locally contraindicated
Post operative: locally contraindicated, but massage can help speed recovery.
Open wounds: massage is locally contraindicated
Osgood-Schlatter Disease: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up, in which case massage is locally contraindicated.
Osteoarthritis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up.then it is locally contraindicated.
Osteporosis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis massage must not be too deep though.
Ovarian Cancer: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis as part of a health care team.
Ovarian Cysts: massage is locally contraindicated
Paget's Disease: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except for deep massage.
Pancreatic Cancer: as a comfort measure, massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis but with care, and not deep.
Parkinson's Disease: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis. Pelvic Floor Pain, Incontinence & Lower Back Pain(female): Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis. I have a specially designed massage for this condition.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: massage contraindicated during acute phase, but recommended at on a regular basis other wise. Pregnancy: massage is indicated provided there are no complications present
Peripheral Neuropathy: depending on stage.
Peritonitis: emergency you need immediate medical attention, so you shouldn't be booking a massage
Pes Planus and Pes Cavus (flat feet and jammed arches): Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis. Piriformis syndrome & Lower Back Pain
Plantar Fasciitis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up.
Pneumonia: massage is recommended in sub-acute phase.
Post operative situations: massage is locally contraindicated, particularly within 6 weeks of an operation but systemic massage can help the healing process
Post Polio Syndrome: massage is highly recommended on a regular basis, after the acute phase.
Postural Deviations: massage is highly recommended on a regular basis.
Psoriasis: massage is locally contraindicated in acute phase, but massage is strongly indicated on a regular basis the rest of the time.
Pregnancy: if there are no complications present, massage is highly recommended before, during and after. Though at each stage, special adjustments are made to the massage routine.
PMS: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Psoriasis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up, in which case it is locally contraindicated.
Reflex sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up, and only as can be tolerated.
Pyelonephritis: massage is contraindicated (kidney infection)
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up, in which case it is locally contraindicated.
Renal Failure: massage is contraindicated
Scar Tissue: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis to break down the scar tissue.
Scleroderma: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except if it has affected the organs, particularly the kidneys.
Seizure disorders: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except not during a seizure, or if for a particular client it triggers seizures.
Post septic arthritis: Massage is only safe after the infection has cleared up and then it is highly recommended on a regular basis.
Post operative: locally contraindicated, but massage can help speed recovery.
Shin Splints: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Shingles, in the post acute phase massage is highly recommended.
Sinusitis: Massage is contraindicated in acute phase, but not critical.
Skin cancer: massage is locally contraindicated
Sleep Disorders: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Spasms and cramps: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis
Spodylosis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis, but with caution.
Sprains: in South Africa, this treatment falls into the scope of practice the physiotherapist, and generally not the massage therapist
Stomach cancer: regular massage is recommended as a coping mechanism
Strains: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis, to aid healing, and break down scar tissue.
Stroke: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis, but as part of a complete health care team approach.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ): Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Tendonitis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up.
Tension Headaches: Massage is highly recommended.
Tenosynovitis: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis except in a state of acute flare up
Testicular Cancer: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Thrombosis: massage is life threatening and contraindicated.
Thorasic Outlet syndrome: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Torticollis (unilateral neck spasm): Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Tuberculosis: massage is contraindicated in the infectious stage
Post Traumatic Brain Injury: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis as part of a health care team approach
Tremor: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis.
Peptic Ulcers: Massage is safe and highly recommended on a regular basis, though not local to the abdomen.
Ulcerative Colitis: massage is contraindicated
Urinary tract infections: massage is contraindicated in acute stage, but indicated thereafter.
Varicose veins (not spider veins): massage is locally contraindicated
Warts: massage is locally contraindicated
Whiplash: massage is locally contraindicated in acute phase, but indicated thereafter